Kylie Larain Kylie Larain

Samoyed Pros and Cons

Samoyeds have many pros like their loving smile and ability to instantly make everyone fall in love!

Samoyeds are a beautiful breed from the northwestern parts of the world. Their beautiful fur is bound to turn heads wherever you go and is perfect for people who enjoy socializing. There are Samoyed pros and cons and they have many great qualities, but like all dogs, they also have some cons that you need to consider before you decide whether it is the perfect breed for you.

Samoyeds are medium-sized dogs that usually range from 40 to 60 pounds in weight. They also have distinct fluffy white fur and their signature “smile”, their outer lips curve in an upwards direction giving the impression of a smile.


Friendliest on the Block!

When most people see Samoyeds for the first time, their first thought is that they look very friendly, and the good news is , Samoyeds are one of the breeds that live up to the “furry friends” standards, they are always excited to meet new people and love socializing! I would count this as one of the best samoyed pros as they also do well around kids, however, like any dog, you will need to supervise your kids when they are with your dog as both the dog and kid could get too excited and become too rough.

Samoyeds are also known for having great temperaments, which also means that they aren’t very good guard dogs. They are the type of dog that would be more likely to greet an intruder rather than try to scare them off.

Quick Learners!

Samoyeds are also a very intelligent breed and can learn a new trick after only a few days of revisiting the same command. When I was training my Samoyed when she was a puppy, she was able to learn two to three commands after about a week of consistency. Samoyeds are also food driven and do well with the persuasion of treats.

Smiling Sammys

Samoyeds were given the nickname “smiling Sammys” because

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